Monday, April 26, 2010


hello peeps!

thank you lah yan, sebab awak promote blog kt, lepastu traffic pon sume from blog awak je kan haha!

malas nk ckp pasal exam far td. mmg hancur lebur kecewa habis. mmg menyedihkan. haih. exam habis pukul 12 td. so igt bercita-cita lah nk belajar law petang tadi, and maybe harini boleh cover at least laaa 1 bab law. tp end up, lain pulak jadi. standard lah tuh kan? haha. ouh rupenye2 bile i bace last post i, final paper i tinggal 5 bukan 6. tengok tu, benda mcm tu pon tak reti kira. ni kan nk buat far td, lagi lah. so tadi i pegi pyramid. konon nak kejap je. sekali, siap tengok wayang. hampeh. tak sedar next paper theory paper. lantak lah. far mmg menyayatkan hati haha.

kiterang mcm tak plan pon nk tgk movie sebenarnye. sampai kat counter nk beli tiket, still macam, tercengang-cengang nak tengok ape. so, dengan bijak, tanyelah org kat kaunter tu, ape cite yang kelakar? die cakap, die baru tgk Losers. so, okay, beli lah movie tu without even knowing ape genre die pun. sape yang berlakon pon taktau. takpelah, orang tu cakap best.

first 15 - 30 minutes, sumpah rasa menyesal tengok cite ni. start start je dah tembak2, dgn lagu background die yang macam, mabuk gila. pastu mula la merungut, patut tak payah tengok cite ni la, patut tgk cite tu la ni la. finee. tapi after dah tengah tengah movie tu, baru rasa mcm seronok. baru rasa mcm part tembak2 die style gila and cool sebenarnya. dierang 5 orang, macam hebat gila. sorang tu pandai gilaaa shoot, sorang lagi pro bawak apa-apa, from kereta ,bas, helikopter, sorang lagi tu sumpah lawak gila. mcm, kalau tak cukup 5 orang tu tak complete lah. tapi, last last, salah sorang tu, traitor. haha habes spoil cite. malaslah nk cerita detail, kena pegi tengok sendiri! :p . i rase movie tu best jugaklah sebenarnya.

kalau takde heroin tipu la kan? familiar?

well, she is Neytiri in Avatar

semangat lepas tengok cite tembak tembak tu, i masuk arcade. main rambo! haha. dah lame tak masuk arcade. ouh, sebelum i lupa, i pegi pyramid pakai baju kurung. lepastu, masuk arcade, main game tembak2 pakai baju kurung. palinglah sopan. rifle tu berat serious, tapi dah start main, mane boleh stop. berat ke ringan, sume tu dah tak rasa. siap peluh-peluh nak focus. mati je, pegi beli token lagi, beli beli beli. sedar sedar habis RM20 semata mata main tembak2 je? lepas tu, kalau menang takpe jugak. ni sampai level 4 je. tapi takpelah, hilang stress far tadi hehe. i rasa macam cool main game mcm tu dengan gem. siap jerit jerit, biar i tembak, u tak payah tembak. tembak atas tu, tembak kat benda hijau. semangat. lepas dah mati, baru la rasa lenguh gilaa tangan. sekarang tangan kanan i dah mcm parkinson. tergetar2 lenguh. satu lagi alasan, kenapa tayah study malam ni haha.

eh, i rasa mcm terover panjang post kali ni. i pon tatau kenapa. cukuplah sampai di sini sahaja haha.

thanks gem for today. love.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

exam is not good for one's health

1 paper down, 6 more to go. my god. 6?!

kali ni punye exam, extra extra cuak. probably because, the pressure i put on myself due to 'not so flying colours' result last semester. moreover, my first final paper is a theory paper AIS. yeah AIS, i can easily get high by just looking at you

ape org kate, study smart dont study hard? it does not work on me. i have to study hard because i think that im not smart enough. besides, mcm mana nk study smart if nk buat mind map pon tak reti. seriously, mind map i takde rupa. kalau i buat pon, mesti takde orang yang nk pinjam buat reference ke, photocopy ke. -_-''. hurmph.

what the AIS? simple question, what determines the strength of encryption. my god. bile part ni je, i mesti skip tak baca slide, pastu soalan tu pulak yg nak keluar. i serious takleh nk igt ape jwpn die. but ape yang i igt, strength of encryption ade 3 jawapan, tapi tatau ape dia haha. tak membantu.

please fast foward to 8 May, tak sabar nk habis! lepas tu, tak sabar nk June. got so many plaaans. jeng jeng jeng. wait and see. :p

ouh! before i forgot, do you know that there is a car that named after me? bangga tak? hahah.

Suzuki Liana

although the letter 'Y' gone missing, but atleast, it still sound the same, right?

Thursday, April 15, 2010


title kat atas tu serious tak sesuai dengan i

but, what do you feel when all your fat goes to the wrong place??
kalau dulu pakai size 2. tapi sekarang, saiz 4 belum tentu muat.
kalau baju yang ketat, bagus jgk kan.

takpelah, maybe i ni keturunan kim kardashian kot.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


helloo :)

mandarin sgt menyusahkan. dahla shooting 3 hari. pastu dah elok elok siapkan, takleh publish. penaaaat gile. sekarang dah pukul 238am orang lain sume dah terbongkang except i, yan and aqilah. aqilah tgh baca korea die.yan tgh berusaha nk publish movie kat laptop orang lain pulak n i tgh tulis blog.

malam mcm ni, dah sangap, sakit perut, sume duk terkentut2. okay takde lah sume, tipu. yan sorang je HAHA. harini, kiterang layan lagu dangdut, 'aaaaah sehgabuuut wweeeih' version kelantan hahah. somehow lagu tu melekat kat kepala. cube korang type ' dikir serabut wehh'. haaa tu lah dia. siap menari terkangkang atas van tu. masyallah, maksiat maksiat :p. part favourite i 'jatee bukee soghee'. part favourite yan 'suko suko' and qla, die suke part yg mcm jerit2 horny skit 'aaaaah sehgabut weeeih' haha. korang kene tgk baru korang phm ape i meraban ni.

hurmph. kesian rumah atiza, dah mcm rumah tumpang. serabut gile kiterg bwt. living room die dah mcm, rumah sementara mangsa banjir. dah dua hari kiterang kat sini tak balik. haiyaaaa! sorry uncle aunty, kiterang ketawa mcm pontianak malam malam buta. aqilah ngn atiza bwt aksi aksi lucah 'dikir serabut wehh'. okay dah jgn bayangkan.

its a wrap!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


as you grow older, its all about commitment.

It may get complicated,sometimes.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

god put a smile upon my face

can i be happy today for no reason? sureee can! :):)

so td, ade ais presentation by diva aloyah, yan, syaza and pah. semangaat okaay. menari single ladies depan the whole class.korang boleh ke? diva diva ni sporting habes!

as usual, every group who present, mesti ade quiz yg seronok sbb if menang dpt goodies! but can cheese tart considered as goodies? haha. tatau la kenape, lately ni, i asek bernasib baik. harini pon! :). im the first who won the cheese tart for their presentation. the 'interesting' thing about the quiz is that i had to pop up the balloon first to get the question in it. okaay mmg confirm confiiirrrm la kan i tak meletupkan. sumpah takut dgn balloon. except helium balloons sbb die tinggi kat atas. so klu meletup pun, meletup kat atas. so lynn volunteered to do it for me.

theres a reason why im phobia to balloons..
dulu time i kecik2, slalu ade family gathering. sah sah la ade balloons kan. dierng ni serious ganas. what they did was, they sat on the balloons. tak pun, dierg pijak pijak mcm orang gila, and bunyi die masyallah. they lauggghh like crazy everytime the balloons popped. pyschooo! and i, main jauh jauh dari orang orang gila tu, thanx.

Friday, April 2, 2010

blog virgin

heeeelloo, im officially a blogger now!

this is my first time blogging ;)

but i dont know if i should get excited about this. seriously i do not expect any visitors to drop by. ive been longing to have a blog since, hurm, since i started to stalk other people's life. reading their stories can be very exciting and inspiring while, some can be sooo emotional and annoying haha. so, that makes me feel like having one. but i just dont know how and where to start. sorry lah, buta it.

so thanks to a friend of mine who was very excited and eager in helping me signing up this blog last night haha.

to be honest, im not that interesting and i wouldnot have much to say. i hope i wont be someone who like to expose almost everything about personal life here HAHA.

will update soon! ttyl!